Title: How to Make Headlines with a Little Bit of “Tekun”


Have you ever wondered what it takes to become the talk of the town, the focal point of news outlets everywhere? Well, look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the art of attracting media attention in a way that will make you the star of the show. Join us on this exciting journey and learn how to master the secrets of being covered on the news.


The Power of Creativity

When it comes to making headlines, creativity is key. Think outside the box and dare to be different. The news loves stories that break the mold, so unleash your innovation and give them something they’ve never seen before. Whether it’s a unique event, an eccentric project, or an extraordinary achievement, your creativity will capture the attention of journalists and reporters alike.

Authenticity is the Name of the Game

In a world saturated with fake news, authenticity stands out. Be genuine, be yourself, and let your story shine through. Share your passion, your struggles, and your triumphs with the world. People connect with real experiences and emotions, and the media is always on the lookout for compelling narratives. Remember, the best stories are those that touch the hearts of the audience.

Build Relationships with the Media

Getting coverage in the news is not just about sending out press releases. It’s about building relationships with journalists and reporters. Take the time to establish connections, attend media events, and engage with the press on social media. By nurturing these relationships, you’ll increase your chances of being top-of-mind when a noteworthy story comes around.

Create Buzz on Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media is a force to be reckoned with. Use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to create buzz around your story. Share behind-the-scenes content, teaser videos, and interactive posts to generate excitement. When the media sees the online hype, they’ll be eager to jump on board and turn your story into a headline.

Dare to Be Controversial (In a Good Way)

While controversy can be a double-edged sword, it can also be a powerful tool for gaining media coverage. Taking a stance on a controversial issue or challenging the status quo can make you newsworthy. However, it’s essential to handle controversial topics with care, ensuring that your argument is well-founded and respectful. A touch of controversy can help you stand out from the crowd and create a buzz in the media.

Embrace the “Tekun” Spirit

In Malay culture, “tekun” means diligence and perseverance. Channeling this spirit can greatly enhance your chances of being covered on the news. Be relentless in your pursuit, continuously pitch your story to journalists, and follow up on leads. By demonstrating your dedication, you’ll convince the media of your story’s importance and earn the coverage you desire.


Becoming the subject of news headlines is not an easy feat, but with a sprinkle of creativity, authenticity, and a touch of controversy, you can increase your chances of seizing the spotlight. Embrace the power of social media, build relationships with the media, and never underestimate the power of the “tekun” spirit. So go out there and make a splash in the media world!


Q1: How long does it usually take for the media to cover a story?
The timeline for media coverage can vary greatly depending on the news outlet and the significance of the story. It can range from a few hours to several months.

Q2: Is it necessary to create controversy to get media coverage?
No, creating controversy is not always necessary, but it can be an effective strategy if used thoughtfully and respectfully. It’s important to weigh the potential benefits against any potential negative consequences.

Q3: Should I focus on a specific news outlet or try to gain coverage from multiple sources?
It’s a good idea to target multiple news outlets to reach a broader audience. However, identifying outlets that align with your story and target audience can help you achieve more impactful coverage.

Q4: How can I stand out from the competition when pitching my story to journalists?
To stand out, craft a compelling pitch that showcases your unique angle or story. Personalize your approach to each journalist and demonstrate why your story is relevant and timely.

Q5: Are there any risks involved in being covered by the media?
While media coverage can be beneficial, it’s essential to be prepared for the potential risks. Negative publicity and invasion of privacy are possible risks, so always consider the implications and be ready to handle any challenges that may arise.

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